1. God loves sinners.
It's the best Good News we have! God, who created us out of His love, loves us – even though we haven't loved Him. We've sinned against God, and our sin brings eternal death.
But God loves still! Jesus, who is God the Son, took our sin on Himself, died the death we should have died on a cross, and then rose to life to give us eternal life when we turn from sin and believe in Him. God loves sinners!
2. The Bible is the best thing we've got.
God Himself has spoken words – and He put them in a book that we can read and understand! The Bible is "God-breathed" (II Timothy 3:16). There's nothing else like it!
That means, the Bible is true and trustworthy. The Bible has power and authority. The Bible is good and sufficient for all we need.
3. Everyone needs a church.
In the church, we hear and understand the Bible together. In the church, we love and pray for one another. In the church, we seek Jesus and serve Him side-by-side. We're so grateful that God places us in a church together!
There are many other important things we believe at TCC. For details, visit tccamarillo.com/beliefs.