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Four Tips for Bible Memory

The Bible is good. It’s good for reading. It’s good for studying. It’s good for meditating on.

And it’s good for memorizing.

If we’re honest, though, Bible memory is a challenge for many of us. We have so many reasons why internalizing God’s Word just isn’t going to happen.

But it can. And should!

So, here are four Bible memory tips that we hope might encourage you and your family to bring God’s Word from the pages of the Bible into your minds and hearts.

Memorize for today.

Yes, the verses you store up today will be invaluable for years to come. But does it help you to focus less on the long-term benefits of Bible memory and more on the immediate goodness of these words?

I need God’s Word now! And so, my concern is less about warehousing verses in my brain for some day and more about allowing them to uphold me and challenge me and transform me this very day! Bible memory becomes exciting and enticing when I begin to recognize that God will use the Bible verses I’m learning even today.

Memorize throughout the day.

It’s not always feasible to carve out 30 minutes of your day to focus on learning a passage of the Bible. But you can take it with you.

Keep your Bible bookmarked and close by throughout the day. Write the verses in a small notebook and carry it with you. Scribble it down on the notepad at your office or at the kitchen table. Return to it frequently.

Our phones can be one of the best tools for memorizing the Bible. You’re probably carrying your phone with you everywhere, so why not use it to memorize throughout the day?

Have you tried the app called “Verses”? It allows you to choose the passages you want to memorize, then offers a series of “games” intended to help you learn the verses and tracks your progress. Or find another app that works best for you!

Memorize out loud.

Let your Bible app read the text to you when you have quiet minutes to spare. (Dwell is one of the best Bible apps for listening to the Bible. Try it here.) Speak the verse over and over while you work. Turn the passage into a song. If you can sing it, you probably won’t forget it! (Try this song for Colossians 1:15-20.)

Memorize together.

Is there someone who can memorize with you? Challenge your spouse or your kids. Ask a co-worker to join you. Text the verses you’re memorizing back and forth with a friend.

The Bible is good for memorizing!



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